January 30, 2022
A workplace injury or illness is not uncommon, especially within industries that are inherently hazardous. If you work in sectors like construction, healthcare, or manufacturing, you are more likely to sustain an injury or illness. If you have sustained an injury at work, you may be eligible to file a workers compensation claim so that you can be compensated for the costs of your injuries, missed wages and other expenses. Know the steps below so that you can properly submit a claim.
Receive Medical Treatment
When you have been injured at your workplace, you need to get medical care right away. As a workers compensation lawyer can tell you, seeking medical care immediately after you sustain your injury can not only help you recover faster, but it can greatly strengthen your case. If you are able to provide medical documents that show that you took action to treat your injury, then your case is less likely to be dismissed by the employer’s insurance company.
Inform Your Employer
You must notify your employer right away if you have suffered any kind of injury or illness that was work-related. Your employer needs to be formally notified that you suffered an injury so that they can put it on the company record. It is important that you communicate with your employer regularly and inform them of any updates, such as changes to your condition. Keep track of all the deadlines that you must meet so that you can relay information to them right away.
Complete Your Paperwork
A workers compensation claim involves a lot of paperwork. Filling out all the forms that you need for your claim can be a tedious task. If you are having a hard time filling out the paperwork, finding the necessary information or simply need a professional to review your documents for accuracy, do not hesitate to reach out to a skilled workers compensation lawyer for assistance.
Follow Up On Your Claim
Once you have your claim submitted, you need to check on its status regularly. Once you know of your claim status, check in with your employer as well. In the event that there is an issue, you can talk to a lawyer about next steps that you can take.
Workers compensation claims can be quite sophisticated, and if you run into an issue or just need basic guidance, a lawyer can provide legal support. For more information, contact a trusted workers compensation lawyer now.