August 8, 2022
Truck Accident Lawyer
While it is a good idea for all drivers to avoid distractions, it is especially important for truck drivers. Truckers operate very large and heavy vehicles, so they can cause a lot of damage in an accident. Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of truck accidents.
Here are some common distractions for truck drivers.
Dispatching Devices
Truck drivers rely on dispatching devices to find out their schedules and routes. Although these devices simplify a truck driver’s job, they can be a distraction. Truck drivers have to take their eyes and attention off the road when they send messages through a dispatching device. This can increase the risk of an accident. That is why truck drivers should wait until they stop their vehicle to respond to messages.
Truck drivers have to spend many hours on the road. They may get lonely or bored, so they communicate with their friends and family on a smartphone. Unfortunately, whether they are talking or texting, using a smartphone can increase the risk of an accident. Just like with a dispatching device, truck drivers have to take their eyes and mind off the road when using a smartphone. To prevent accidents, truck drivers should avoid using a smartphone while behind the wheel.
Truck drivers are often on tight schedules and may not have time to sit down and eat a meal. As a result, they may frequently eat their meals while operating their commercial truck. Unfortunately, this forces them to take their hands off the wheel, which can increase the risk of an accident.
Outdoor Objects
When truck drivers are on the road for a long time, they may look at various objects on the road, such as billboards, other vehicles and accidents. This can help them pass the time during their long hours on the road. Unfortunately, it can also divert their eyes and attention off the road, which can cause an accident.
Truck drivers who spend long hours on the road with no one to talk to may get lost in thought. Daydreaming is one of the most common types of distractions for truck drivers and can cause an accident.